Driving Brand Affinity with Video / 7Summits



People learn in different ways. Visually, verbally, kinesthetically, through reading, and more. That's why content marketing is complicated - and exciting. It can be challenging to cut through all the other messaging competing for your prospects' attention. And if you can do that, it's even more challenging to get that message to stick.

Video, however, makes all of that a little easier. It allows you to address multiple learning styles with visuals, faces, voiceovers, charts, text, and more. Heck, as augmented reality technologies evolve, video will have even more to offer the kinesthetic learners out there. It's simply the best medium for presenting information while still creating an emotional connection to your brand.

Video is an excellent way to:

  • Break down complicated topics into more consumable chunks

  • Combine learning with personality and emotional connection

  • Deliver easy-to-consume, stickier content

  • Build trust in your organization and your people

  • Communicate purpose and shared values

All of this equates to brand affinity - durable and deep connections based on shared values between your organization and your customers.

To prove that point, we’d like to introduce 7Summits. They're a dynamic, results-focused technology company that exists to help organizations create active, engaged digital communities consisting of customers, partners, and employees. They offer a variety of prepackaged, highly customizable accelerators for Salesforce that expands the platform's already formidable feature set. Their approach is elegant and impressively effective. But the ideas behind it are big and bold and sometimes hard to communicate because they're complex.

Bethany Perkins, Vice President of Marketing at 7Summits, partnered with us to leverage video to build affinity for their brand. She explains:

Bethany Perkins
Like so many B2B companies, our sales-enablement efforts require much more than a well-placed “click here to order” button. Adding video to our content marketing arsenal allows us to communicate complex ideas efficiently and effectively. That accelerates our sales cycles with the added bonus of reinforcing our brand tone and imagery.

We created videos that break down their overall approach, introduce customers to their industry-leading group of Salesforce MVPs, and provide easily consumable product overview videos. Combined with additional resources like webinars, white papers, and case studies, the collection of videos helps 7Summits generate leads, educate internal team members, and consistently communicate crucial concepts in sales presentations across their varied customer base.

Custom Brand Animations / Brand awareness and consistency

We put the 7Summits brand assets into motion by developing new opening and closing brand animations. Our work included both the motion graphics and the sound design. The brand animations bring a consistent look and sound to all of their videos.

6 Points of Interaction (Animated) / Education (External) & Training (Internal)

We developed a couple of animated videos that break down 7Summits' core digital community strategy. Straightforward animated visuals combine with a well-constructed voiceover explanation to leave viewers with a solid understanding of their model and the technical components that power it behind the scenes.

Community Migration Accelerator / Product Video

7Summits created a product, Community Migration Manager, that allows organizations to move legacy digital communities to the Salesforce platform. This product explainer video uses animation to explain how 7Summits experts and their smart technology make the process seem like magic.

CEO / 6 Points of Interaction Explainer for Customers / Culture & Thought Leadership

Paul Stillmank, 7Summits' CEO, knows the Six Points of Interaction model inside and out. And, he's got several great stories to illustrate how impactful the model is. We created a short video for the customer, employee, and partner interaction points where Paul details what's possible from each type of interaction. 7Summits uses these videos to educate prospective customers and as a training resource for their sales team.

MVP Feature / Culture & Thought Leadership

7Summits' has an industry-leading number of Salesforce MVPs on staff. That's a big deal. Plus, they're all really great people to work with! We created a series of profile videos that let prospective customers learn more about the MVPs - who they are, their expertise, and what they're passionate about. It's a great way to share expertise, communicate values, and cultivate a relationship even before the work begins.

7Summits’ growing library of videos helps customers and prospects understand the uniqueness of their culture and the products that spring from it. If you’re just getting started with video, Bethany offers this advice:

Bethany Perkins
In a world filled with so much noise, the first step a marketer should take with video is to capture their company's purpose as told by their CEO. Personalize your brand story and the value you provide and speak authentically to the audience that shares your brand's values.

If you'd like to explore how your organization could leverage video to build affinity for your brand, let's talk.

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